Building the First 55+ Cohousing Community in New England
Hager Homestead in the News
Baker-Polito Administration Awards $5 Million in Capital Grants to Communities Committed to Housing Production, March 31, 2021, Press Release, Office of Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito
Hager Homestead 55+ community to open fall 2022, by Stan Hurwitz, March 1, 2021, The Eagle Independent
Seniors Envision A Better Way to Age in Place, February 17, 2021, Boston citybizlist.com
Littleton: Senior Cohousing Complex Comes to Town, by Amy Sokolow, January 18, 2021, The Lowell Sun
Editorial: Beacon Hill impasse requires dose of Hager-style vision. January 19, 2021, Sentinel and Enterprise (link) (pdf)
Books on Cohousing
The Senior Cohousing Handbook, by Charles Durrett, New Society Publishers
Creating Cohousing, by Kathryn McCamant and Charles Durrett (forward by Bill McKibben), New Society Publishers
The Cohousing Handbook, by Chris Scotthanson and Kelly Scotthanson, New Society Publishers
Senior Cohousing Primer - Recent examples & New Projects, by Charles Durrett and Jean Nilsson
Many Voices One Song, by Ted J. Rau and Jerry Koch-Gonzalez, Sociocracy for All
Nonviolent Communication, by Marshall B. Rosenberg (forward by Deepak Chopra), Puddledancer Press
The Cooperative Culture Handbook, by Yana Ludwig and Karen Gimnig, The Foundation for Intentional Community